Canadian Workplace Well-Being Awards Launch Webinar

We discuss how positive psychology in the workplace improves employee well-being and learn specific interventions that can help to increase it. Dr. Michelle McQuaid from The Wellbeing Lab who partnered with CPPA to conduct a national workplace well-being survey discusses the results of the survey. Watch the recorded event now to hear the data, and to gain insight into the highlights and challenges of employee well-being. Some of it may surprise you!

Date: May 6 2021


Dr. Michelle McQuaid (MAPP)
Best-selling author, wellbeing teacher, and playful change activator
Jennifer Card, MSc. (MAPPCP)
Co-Chair for the Canadian Workplace Well-Being Awards
Wendy Parkes, BA, MBA (CAPP,  APPC)
Co-Chair for the Canadian Workplace Well-Being Awards

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