How do you know you if you set the right goals for 2022?
How would you feel if this is the year you make that one dream you’ve had for years, come true? The beginning of the year seems to be the time that everyone sets new goals for the year and by the end of January we’ve already abandoned them! There’s lots of reasons for that. And maybe the biggest reason is that you didn’t set the RIGHT goals to begin with.
When you set the RIGHT goals for the year, you are more invested, more motivated and more energized to achieve them. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with Louisa Jewell, Founder & President of the CPPA, where she will guide you through a leading-edge goal setting exercise that will have you tapping into what really gets you excited about your work and life. Louisa has taken thousands of people through this process over the years and time and time again people report that was the year they finally made that one dream come true.
It’s not just about goal-setting – it’s about goal-meeting. Join this free webinar where Louisa will take you step-by-step through the goal-setting process and give you a formula that will set you up for goal-meeting success.
Read more about our Mastermind groups for 2022 here!
Members can watch the recording below: