Mental Fitness for Energy Management hosted by Lorena Krasnai

June 9th 2022

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Is your mind your best friend or your worst enemy? 

Is your mind persistently sabotaging your potential to feel energized and instead leaving you:  

  • depleted, 
  • overwhelmed, 
  • constantly criticizing,
  • and stressed out? 

What if you could strengthen your mental muscles and instead experience: 

  • more energy
  • peak performance
  • improved relationships
  • and overall well-being?

Session description: 


Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy. Your mind is persistently sabotaging your potential to feel energized, leaving you depleted, overwhelmed, constantly criticizing and stressed out. What if you could strengthen the part of your brain that serves you best and quiet the part that sabotages you? 

Just like physical strength, we can also build mental muscle so that when needed, we can go through change and stressful times without completely exhausting our energy. With strengthened mental fitness, we experience peak performance, more energy, improved relationships and overall wellbeing.

  • Learn what mental fitness is and why it is important 
  • Explore the three core mental muscles that we aim to strengthen
  • Understand how your sabotaging thoughts drain your energy  
  • Consider strategies to rebalance your energy

Lorena Krasnai, MA Leadership, CAPP

Advisor | Educator | Coach


Lorena’s life purpose is to energize and inspire people to be their authentic self, so that they can show up in the world at full potential and live a life of wholeness. 

A catalyst in the evolution of human sustainability, Lorena is dedicated to helping individuals, organizations and communities thrive. She is a passionate organizational consultant, trainer, and coach, with over a decade experience in HR management, ready to support your needs in the space of psychological health and safety, resilience strengthening and enhanced wellbeing. Lorena acquired knowledge through a Master of Arts in Leadership and Certification in Applied Positive Psychology. She is certified as Resilience Trainer, Positive Psychology Consultant and Coach, Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, and she is a Mental Fitness Coach. Lorena volunteers as the Manager of Adjudication for the 2022 Canadian Workplace Wellbeing Awards. 

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