Aspiring Authors: Andrea Seydel , Book Doula

Is writing a book on your bucket list? In our Aspiring Author series Louisa Jewell, CPPA President, will be interviewing experts to help you write, publish and market a book. Check out all of our previously published interviews so far on the website here.

In this interview, we speak to Andrea Seydel, Book Doula, about how to market your book and how to build more services and revenue around your book. 

Best-selling author and founder of LLH Publishing Andrea Seydel, also known as the Book Doula, helps aspiring authors give birth to books.
She can be reached at

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Check out other interviews in our Aspiring Author series here.

Andrea Seydel

7-time best-selling author and founder of LLH Publishing. 

Through her Bookclubs, thriving Facebook community and Top-Ranked Podcast, Andrea helps you Live your life Happily!  Andrea has been lovingly nicknamed “The Book Doula” as she has helped hundreds of leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs give birth to their own books. 

Whether she highlights best-selling books in her Bookclubs or helps aspiring authors give birth to books, every entrepreneur can bypass overwhelm, time constraints and self-doubt and instead generate exciting momentum as they move closer to their dreams, a sense of achievement and a life they love.

Her other resources:

Check out her website for numerous more book resources.

Some more content on book writing / book publishing / and book clubs.

The Saving You Is Killing Me: Loving Someone with an Addiction book, platform and community can be found at

You can also listen in to her podcast Live Life Happy and episdoes of the Unconventional Book Club-Podcast

Also mentioned in the interview: for researching podcasts

Some of the books she has published

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