How Do We Better Support Post-Secondary Student Mental Health and Wellbeing: Current State and Emerging Practices

CPPA Student Webinar – April 18, 2024, presented by Dr. Andrew Szeto

Please enjoy the below Webinar recording:

More on the Webinar topic: Post-secondary student mental health and wellbeing has been a topic of wide discussion for more than a decade. Much of this discussion has focussed on the mental health crisis on campuses, with little attention to the efforts being undertaken to support student wellbeing. This talk will examine the current state of post-secondary student mental health and wellbeing along with specific approaches, trends, resources, and initiatives to better support students. Finally, the talk will end with a discussion of practical ways we can all support student wellbeing on post-secondary campuses.

About Dr. Andrew Szeto: Andrew is the Director, Mental Health Strategy responsible for guiding the implementation of the 28 recommendations within the University of Calgary’s Campus Mental Health Strategy. He is also a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary and a consultant with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Over the past 13 years, Dr. Szeto has focused on the development and evaluation of workplace mental illness stigma reduction and mental health promotion programs, such as The Working Mind and The Working Mind for First Responders. In addition, he has worked to develop and pilot The Inquiring Mind Post-Secondary and The Inquiring Mind Youth, programs tailored for post-secondary and junior high/high school students, respectively. Dr. Szeto also conducts basic research that examines the stigma of mental illnesses through a social psychological lens, including research on labelling, attitudes, and new interventions to reduce stigma. More recently, his research has focused on post-secondary mental health and wellbeing. He is also a member of the Technical Committee that developed the Canadian Standards Association and Mental Health Commission of Canada’s The National Standard for Post-Secondary Student Mental Health and Wellbeing. Dr. Szeto continues to publish academic articles on various topics related to mental health and wellbeing, resilience, and the stigma of mental illnesses.

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