When Heart Speaks Louder Than Words with Dr. Mitch Abrams

Only 10% of communication is related to the words we use, the remaining 90% is non-verbal and deeply related to your emotions and state of mind.  Dr. Mitch Abrams will discuss emerging psychophysiology research and how your body communicates to others.  Participants will explore the role of the heart in self regulation, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and be introduced to accessible biofeedback tools to help you maximize your capacity to align your mind, emotion and heart to be a more effective communicator and receiver, be it with family, friends or colleagues. Abrams will explore the science and research behind heart coherence and why this is a powerful tool for health and wellness, resilience and meaningful cooperation.

In this presentation, you will gain insight into:

  • The role of the heart in communication. 
  • Techniques that will help you tune into your heart thereby deepening the human experience and bring truth, authenticity and compassion into all of your communication.  
  • Strategies that support healthier social environments, from the home to the workplace, fostering a sense of peace and enhancing creativity and productivity. 

Dr. Mitchell Abrams B.Sc., MD, FRCPC, HMT

CEO and Founder, NexGen Health Ltd.

Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct), Michael G Degroot School of Medical Sciences, McMaster University. 

Dr. Mitchell Abrams is a Canadian Radiologist, keynote speaker, teacher and founder of NexGenHealth Ltd.. Abrams completed his medical degree and radiology specialty from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, holds a subspecialty in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from the University of Toronto and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Abrams is an Associate Professor at Michael G Degroote School of Medical Sciences and was Department Chair of Diagnostic Imaging at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. As part of a social impact initiative, Dr. Abrams is currently leading a capstone project (through Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education in the school of medicine, department of neurosurgery) to create a sustainable fundraising model in support of mental health and resilience training for healthcare practitioners, patients and youth. This model leverages art and music as tools to educate, heal and inspire.

Early in his radiology career, Dr. Abrams was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy, a disease that can lead to sudden cardiac death in seemingly fit and healthy young people. He required open heart surgery in order to prevent the worst-case scenario. Through his various roles as a patient, physician and department chair, he experienced the inner workings of our healthcare system first hand, and became acutely aware of the limitations and gaps in our current western model of care. This realization became a passion and drove him down a path of research and experiential learning with experts around the globe, looking at different approaches to healing. In particular, Dr. Mitch’s background in radiology and his understanding of physics, supported a deep investigation into the nature of what we are actually made of and how we thrive. The intersection between his life in science and this powerful experience with healing, provided the foundation of what his life-mission has become – to support and promote a more holistic model of healthcare. As part of his mission, Dr. Mitch initiated a social enterprise called NexGenHealth to bring forth a new paradigm in self-care, patient care, and community wellness.

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