2022 Mastermind Groups

We all know that the best thing we can do for our motivation and well-being is to tap into the support of others, so the CPPA is organizing monthly mastermind meetings and groups to get your energy as optimal as possible and get you back on track for the year ahead.
Whether you own your own business or practice, work in an organization, teach at a school or are in transition, joining our masterminds can help propel you to higher levels of succes, satisfaction and well-being.
In December 2022, we want you to say “That was my best year ever.”

The CPPA is on a mission to help you take back your energy and get reignited for 2022!
If you wish to join our waiting list for any future Mastermind Groups, please email admin@nullcppa.ca to express your interest, and you will be first to know about any future groups.
What is a mastermind group?
CPPA Mastermind Groups are people who share a passion for positive psychology and learn how to grow in their knowledge, practice and business by coming together to regularly brainstorm, learn from each other, offer peer accountability and support, in a group setting. The goal is to sharpen your business, your practice and/or your personal skills.
A mastermind group helps you and your mastermind group members achieve success. Members challenge each other to set exciting goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them. The CPPA will facilitate bringing members together on a monthly basis to share resources, experiences, stories, tools, and help you with problems or obstacles.You will have the opportunity to forge solid relationships with people who care about you and your goals.
How does it work?
Through a mastermind group process, first you create a goal, then design a plan to achieve it. The group meets monthly, for 2 hours, for the year, and helps you with creative ideas and decision-making. Then, as you begin to implement your plan, you bring both success stories and problems to the group. Success stories are celebrated and problems are solved through peer brainstorming and collective, creative thinking.
We will also be sharing science-backed tools that will help you achieve your goals so that you are always learning and growing and trying new approaches. As we continue with our groups there will be opportunities to meet new people, which will make it easier for you to form sub-groups with people who have similar interests. By the time the year is over, you will have established a network of people who will have your back in the future.

How do I need to show up?

The group requires commitment, confidentiality, willingness to both give and receive advice and ideas, and support each other with respect and compassion. Mastermind group members act as catalysts for growth and sometimes challengers to get you moving when you’re stuck.
At every mastermind meeting you will be engaged in conversation, giving and taking advice, guidance and support. That’s why it’s important, if you sign up, to be committed to being fully present with your video on and committed to attending every meeting. Of course we know that circumstances beyond your control may hinder you from attending every meeting, but if you miss too many meetings, we reserve the right to offer your space to someone else. The success of any mastermind group relies on an engaged group, dedicated to each other’s success.
What am I going to learn?
There are many different kinds of energy that you can tap into to keep you motivated towards fulfilling your dreams and acheiving your goals. Every month you will learn a different skill that will help you tap into your:
1. Mental energy: Are you building your confidence and crushing self-doubt or are you killing your dreams before you even get started because you just don’t believe you can make this happen? We will teach you science-backed tools that will help you build and sustain your confidence as you move boldly towards your new future. Then, you will have the support of your mastermind group that will continue to boost your confidence througout the year.
2. Emotional energy: Emotions are one of the greatest sources of energy but how do you consciously use them to help you achieve your goals? Often we want to do things, but then we wake up and we just don’t feel like doing them. We will share practices that get you ‘in the mood’ every day. Our mastermind meeings are designed not only for learning, but for boosting your positive energy.

3. Purpose energy: There is nothing more powerful than tapping into your passion and what gives you a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. We will help you re-connect to purpose and steer you towards goals that really matter to you.
4. Physical energy: You can’t fully appreciate your life if you’re running on empty all the time. Proper nutrition, movement and sleep is important to everyday resilience and optimal energy. We will help you re-commit to putting health first on this journey.
5. Social energy: If it’s one thing we have learned in positive psychology, it’s that “Other people matter”. Our social connections are critical to our well-being. By joining this mastermind, you will tap into the collective energy of the group who is invested in your success and well-being. You don’t have to do this alone!
Mastermind groups are extremely valuable because it’s not knowledge and skill that makes you successful, it’s consistent energy! There is nothing that will propel your success faster than being part of a mastermind group.

To make this easy, the first meeting will be open to everyone whether you’re a member or not. You will have an opportunity to learn more about what the program is about and gauge if this program is the right fit for you.
Yes I want to learn more! Sign me up for the first free meeting.
Yes I think the mastermind sounds like a great idea! Register me now!
The good news is it’s free if you’re a member of the CPPA.
If you’re not a member already, a CPPA membership is $90 plus HST for the year, which makes this extremely affordable for the value you will receive. You can join the CPPA here.
Mastermind Groups will meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 12 - 2pm EST
February 9
March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1
July 6
August 3
September 14
October 5
November 2
December 7

Mastermind Groups
Let us help you create and sustain the energy you need to make 2022 your best year ever!
If you wish to join our waiting list for any future Mastermind Groups, please email admin@nullcppa.ca to express your interest, and you will be first to know about any future groups.