Goal pursuit, performance, and well-being in educational contexts: A motivational analysis of optimal functioning

Date: March 18th, 2021 

Presenter: Jérémie Verner-Filion

Why do some students succeed, while others fail, in their attempt to reach their personal goals? What are the factors that allow them to balance their simultaneous quest for success and happiness?

In this webinar, I will discuss some of my recent studies showing how student’s motivation for activities in which they engage outside the purview of their academic endeavors (i.e., passionate activities in university students and extracurricular activities in high-school students) can help or hinder the attainment of their personal goals, their functioning at school and their psychological well-being.

Jérémie Verner-Filion

Jérémie Verner-Filion is a professor at the Educational Sciences Department of the Université du Québec en Outaouais. His research focuses on the psychological and environmental factors that facilitate or hinder the development of children, adolescents, and young adults in school and in other significant spheres, such as extracurricular activities. Specifically, his research focuses on the motivational and self-regulatory processes that allow for the simultaneous attainment of high levels of performance and psychological well-being in educational contexts. 

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